We provide discretionary investment management services to high net worth individuals and institutional clients.
The value-added proposition of our money management process is the internal application and integration of our proprietary research. We combine cutting-edge financial theory and clear objectives that are integrated into quantitative models that drive the portfolio composition.
The Tigress Asset Management methodology is a standardized and consistent quantitative approach based on economic profitability combined with qualitative fundamental analysis to assess a company's specific investment potential and timeliness.
Based on our belief that a company's subjective adoption of accounting standards distorts traditional valuation measurements, we use a proprietary and dynamic analysis of economic profit and value to guide our stock selection and portfolio management process.
Our separately managed account platform allows us to customize our investment process to address socially responsible mandates as well as meet any other of our clients' specific needs offering a more personal approach to money management.
Tigress Financial Partners LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser.